The IEEE 802.11 standard is the most widespread solution for wireless communications, it provides 2 primary configurations
- BASE STATION MODE where the nodes are connected to a base station and communication can only append trough the base station itself
flowchart LR subgraph net1 A[ap1] C[node1] end subgraph net2 B[ap2] D[node2] end C --> A D --> B E((internet)) A & B --> E
- AD HOC MODE all nodes are potentially mobile and communicate directly, en example of ad hoc network are manets
flowchart LR subgraph net A[node1] B[node2] C[node3] D[node4] E[node5] A <--> B & C B <--> D C <--> D D <--> E E <--> B end
The objective is to cover with wireless connectivity technology wide areas like cities with a mesh network