Clustering is a method that aims to reduce the routing complexity by dividing the network in small subsystems called clusters, for each cluster a clusterhead is selected that works as the natural backbone of the network
flowchart TB subgraph clster2 direction LR E((node1)) F((node2)) G((node3)) H((clusterhead)) E & F & G --> H end subgraph cluster1 direction LR A((node1)) B((node2)) C((node3)) D((clusterhead)) A & C & B --> D end D <--> H
there are several ways to elect a clusterhead
- LEECH a node make a local decision if it should serve as a clusterhead then nodes connect to the closest clusterhead, clusterhead is periodically reasigned to improve energy consumption
- HEED a node announce that it’s intention to become clusterhead and the other nodes votes the clustered with the minimal cost
creating optimal clusters is an np-complete problem so forget about optimal clustering and in a Manet situation where nodes are highly mobile there is no certain that a cluster will not become sub-optimal in the long run.
Clusterhead plays a delicate role in a cluster, the role is suitable for less mobile nodes, with less energy restrictions