Wireless connectivity
- wireless communication phisical layer problems
- how medium is accessed
- manage comunication at data layer: CSMA
- IEEE 802.11: wifi
- IEEE 802.16: wimax
- how is done by telco operators: cellular networking
- IEEE 802.15.1: bluetooth
- IEEE 802.15.4: zigbee
Mobile ad HOC Networks
- connect mobile devices on the fly: MANETS
- wifi solution for manets: wifi direct
- how routing is done in manets
- first approach: DSR
- second approach: ODV
- greedy perimeter stateless routing
- temporary ordered routing algorithm
- clustering
- techniques to compute device position
- positioning systems taxonomy
- positioning systems in manets
- global positioning system: GPS
- what about no infrastructure solutions
- active bat
- radar
- ekahau
- combining different positioning systems
Mobility in IP networks
- why ip and mobility are not friends
- host identity protocol
- mobile ip
- hierarchical mobile ipv6
- proxy hierarchical mobile ipv6
- i tcp
Mobile Middleware
- resolve challenges in mobile environments: mobile middleware
- mobile middleware principles
- mobile design patterns
- mobile distribution patterns
- resource management patterns
- communication patterns
- an example for a mobile middleware: Android
- android activity
- threading model
- asynchronous techniques
- job scheduler
- alarms
- sockets
Internet of things IoT
- what is Iot
- an hold Iot solution: scada
- iot platforms
- aws iot platform
- azure iot platform
- siemens mindsphere
- edgex iot platform
- iot devices
- iot protocols
- pub sub communication model
- pub sub protocols
- request response communication model
- rest
- coap